Course curriculum

  • 1


    • What We'll Cover

    • Module Objectives

    • Nuts and Bolts

  • 2

    Why Presence and Visibility Matters

    • Assignment: Research and Discuss

    • Why People Leave

    • Assignment: Post your opinion

    • The Benefits of Leadership Visibility and Presence

  • 3

    Tools to Improve Visibility and Presence

    • Purposeful Rounding

    • A Rounding Illustration

    • Rounding at a Glance

    • Assignment: Post Your Thoughts

    • Rounding Alternatives

  • 4

    Visibility and Presence Competencies for Leaders

    • Conversation

    • Observation

    • Follow Through

    • Documentation

    • Rounding Log

  • 5

    Where to Go From Here

    • Success Factors

    • Assignment: Put this information to good use this week

    • What's Next?

    • Additional Reading