Healthcare executives -

Hit all your core strategies with one specific action, without draining resources, and grow leaders nobody wants to leave!

Even before COVID-19, staff turnover was high, costing healthcare organizations millions and eroding quality. Engagement and retention are more crucial than ever. Every time you lose a nurse or other key staff, you lose money, erode the team, and diminish quality, safety and service.

Healthcare leaders like you are striving to create and maintain:
- High Reliability
- Employee Engagement
- Retention
- Patient Experience
- Financial Stability

COVID has put healthcare to the test. Your front-line leaders need tools to keep their staffs engaged, inspired and delivering the best care.

Want a High Reliability Organization? Grow your leaders
Need to improve employee engagement? Grow your leaders
Struggling with retention? Grow your leaders
Want high patient satisfaction? Grow your leaders
Concerned about financial performance? Fix all of the above by…
you guessed it, growing your leaders

Leadership development solves a multitude of challenges and brings you closer to goals.

You probably have supervisors, managers and directors that have great potential, but aren’t quite where they need to be. If so, you’re not alone. When those leaders aren’t performing you see:

- Staff turnover (replacing one nurse costs an average of $44,000)
- Poor employee engagement
- Poor patient satisfaction scores
- Poor clinical quality indicators

The most successful organizations groom leaders to engage, inspire, and bring out the best in others.

The sad truth is...

most healthcare leaders are promoted because they are good at their current jobs.

Unfortunately, being great on the front line doesn’t give the skills, tools, and support needed for leadership. That gap can place the whole department at risk for poor quality and attrition.

I was that leader. A fully engaged, high-performing staff nurse one day and a manager the next. Just like that, with a title change and a shiny new name badge, I was not only managing a multi-million-dollar budget, but overseeing a team of people who needed real leadership. I was honestly over my head and afraid people would spot me as an imposter. I needed information, skills, and coaching. I know my VP wanted to help put she was far too busy to give me the time I needed. It was the sink or swim approach to leadership development. Fortunately, I was determined to succeed and willing to learn, but there were many days I thought about quitting.

I managed to gain the skills I needed through time, trial and error. But it would have gone much more quickly and smoother with a good coach and a set of reliable tools.

When I compare my journey to the common challenges facing healthcare leaders whom I have coached over the past 25 years, I spotted common deficiencies or gaps. This program was designed to fill those gaps through online learning paired with coaching and peer support.


The best training paired with personalized coaching and peer support.

The program consists of 8 carefully constructed modules that include online, self-paced lessons with tools and instruction for immediate hands-on application. Participants apply the tools with their own staff members. Then, we meet as a group to discuss what they learned and how they will apply the tool moving forward. The group coaching sessions build peer support for robust idea exchange while reinforcing the lessons.

Individual, private coaching sessions give each student the opportunity to discuss their leadership challenges with an experienced coach. The sessions often expand beyond the program topics, giving support where they need it most.

8 carefully-constructed modules include:

  • Hiring for fit. It all starts with making the right hire. This module focuses on:

    - Identifying the ideal characteristics needed for the job and to fit with the team
    - Crafting behavior-based interview questions that zero in on the most important characteristics
    - Exploring the merits of peer interviews
    - Determining the cost of a bad hire

  • Mastering the stay interview. There’s nothing worse than getting an unexpected resignation from one of your star performers. This module focuses on:

    - The importance of understanding your employees’ unique needs
    - How to conduct stay interviews that reveal essential information and decrease likelihood of attrition
    - How to use stay interviews to shape your retention strategy
    - What to do with the information gained during stay interviews

    *Includes a stay interview guide

  • The power of visibility and presence. Healthcare leaders are no stranger to rounding, yet the drive-bys continue. This module focuses on:

    - The merits of visibility in building credibility and a trusting culture
    - Meaningful rounding techniques
    - The power of observation
    - Using rounds for recognition and on-the-spot coaching

    *Includes a rounding tool for practice

  • Managing expectations. Most leaders first get clear on expectations AFTER their staff fails to meet them. This module addresses:

    - Steps for getting clear about your expectation
    - How to clearly communicate expectations for greater accountability
    - Skills for course-correcting when someone is not meeting expectations
    - How to better understand what your leader expect of you

  • Spotting levels of engagement. There’s an art and science to diagnosing engagement that goes far beyond a survey. This module focuses on:

    - Understanding 4 distinct levels of engagement
    - Identifying specific behaviors associated with each level of engagement
    - Recognizing the impact someone’s engagement has on the team and the department’s success

    *Includes a tool for classifying behaviors into levels of engagement

  • Coaching for engagement and improved performance. When it comes to coaching, one size fits one. This module focuses on:

    - Building on the previous module
    - Customizing an individual coaching plan for each employee based on their level of engagement
    - Understanding the importance of coaching fully engaged staff to keep them engaged
    - Recognizing different coaching techniques needed for individuals at each level

    *Includes tools for planning and executing coaching discussion with specific actions and communication techniques for each level

  • Fostering a sense of purpose. Everyone wants to feel that their work matters. This module helps to:

    - Explore why having a strong sense of purpose is important to engagement
    - How to develop a stronger connection to purpose in yourself
    - How to develop a stronger connection to purpose in your team members
    - How to use the language of the mission, vision, and values in daily conversation that will tie people to purpose

    *Includes a tool for tying jobs to the organization's priorities and success

  • How to get more of what you want. Once you start seeing positive changes, it’s vital to keep the traction. This module focuses on:

    - Giving meaningful recognition
    - Fostering peer accountability
    - Communication techniques for keeping people informed and engaged

A bit about me...

A registered nurse with clinical experience ranging from critical care and med/surg to public health, I know what it’s like to be at the bedside.

My career as a nurse, and later as a healthcare marketer and administrator has given me valuable hands-on experience from the trenches to the C-suite. I brought that insight with me as I began writing, coaching and consulting on culture, leadership and patient experience.

Since 1994, I’ve been at the forefront of shaping the patient experience movement and know that a great patient experience begins with strong leaders who can sustain a healthy culture.

While in the c-suite, we laid out clear goals and strategies every year but couldn’t achieve financial, quality, and growth goals when engagement was low and turnover was high. We found the root cause. People were leaving their managers not their jobs. We needed to develop leaders that nobody wanted to leave.

I discovered the secret to achieving every strategic objective started with growing strong leaders. We couldn’t be financially solvent if we were spending millions on turnover every year. We couldn’t achieve high reliability and a consistently positive patient experience if the team wasn’t solid. Staff wouldn’t be engaged if they didn’t trust their leaders.

As a consultant, I have been hired by countless organizations who have tried numerous best practices without results. The problem was that they were trying tactics that could never succeed without leadership to drive accountability, give recognition and engage their people.

Since witnessing the same problem over and over, I’ve been on a mission to help healthcare organizations achieve their best culture through transformational leadership.

What our students are saying...

Learn how the "Be the Leader Nobody Wants to Leave" course has impacted the lives of leadership professionals.

"Highly recommended for any current or aspiring leader"

Lisa Jensen, RN, BSN, Community Health & Wellness Manager at Fort Healthcare

“The leadership class, "Be the Leader Nobody Wants to Leave," came to me in the most challenging time in my career. When the CNO suggested the course I thought, "HOW am I going to fit a class into my day during a pandemic!” Oddly enough, it was the EXACT thing I needed to handle some very challenging situations as a leader. I was in the midst of redeploying staff, changing decisions daily on processes, as well as the challenges of hiring during a pandemic - all while trying to be that leader nobody wants to leave. The tools taught in the course, along with the coaching sessions provided, helped me in many ways. I would highly recommend this course to any current and aspiring leader."

"I am convinced that this formula is essential for creating a positive patient experience, and successful business"

Jessica Bush, Director of Patient Experience

“This class is not just for the nurse manager but anyone in leadership looking to create a successful team. I have not found this level of practical wisdom in any textbook or college class. I am convinced that this formula is essential for creating a positive patient experience, successful business, and a culture that employees can thrive in.”

"Great results"

Heather Freudenberger, MSN, RN, CEN Emergency Services Manager

“Prior to this class I had a different idea of what rounding was. Now, I round with a purpose and have been practicing my stay interviews with great results.”

"I would definitely consider sending more members of my leadership team to this training."

Lesley Chapin, Psy.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist VP Pauquette Center, Portage, WI

“I have had some basic training in leadership, but wanted something more in-depth. Despite being virtual, this course is really hands-on. The learning structure fits well with behaviorally-based learning in which the instructors teach by discussing the skill, modeling the skill, giving an opportunity to practice, and providing behaviorally-specific feedback during the coaching sessions. The lessons provide some very practical, but important tools to enhance my skills, engage my team, and to develop and retain my high-performers. I would definitely consider sending more members of my leadership team to this training.”

Compare to the cost of one conference

Budgets for travel and education can be chewed up with one meeting. Consider this:

Conference registration + travel & lodging = $1800 - $3000, plus days away from work.

Most people return from a conference energized and enthusiastic, but without a clear action plan or accountability.
We’ve built that in!

Participants are accountable for reviewing module content and applying the lessons prior to the weekly group coaching session.

You may be thinking:

We’re in the middle of a pandemic. Isn’t this a bad time?
Not at all. This is when your leaders need the tools and support to be the best for their staffs. Gaining new skills right now could be just the thing to keep both managers and staff engaged. (See Lisa Jensen’s experience above.)

Money is tight because of COVID
Healthcare was hit hard financially, but if you can prevent even one staff member from leaving, you hit your ROI in just one module. In fact, keeping one RN from leaving is a savings of $44,000. Enough to send over 29 leaders through the program.

We have so many competing priorities right now
Juggling priorities is a constant. But what is a greater priority than your people? Healthcare is a service industry. Without your people you don’t have healthcare. Without competent leaders you cannot achieve strategic goals.

Invest in your leaders and witness the transformation!

Be the Leader Nobody Wants to Leave

- 8 Modules
- 8 Weekly group coaching sessions
- 2 private coaching sessions
- 8-week access to coaches
- Class size is limited to ensure quality coaching

What happens next?

When you register you will be asked to set up your password.

Once enrolled, you will receive a confirmation email reviewing the program schedule including an introduction to your coach and additional login information.

Modules are paced to be completed one/week as a cohort in order to get the most out of group coaching sessions.

Still have questions?

Just ask:

[email protected]

P. S. Remember that leaders are made, not born. If you want the best, most efficient and effective care, start by investing in your leaders.